Make sure that each of your marketing activities is effective, sustainable and measurable:
plan – act – measure – learn – adapt!
Depending on your situation, it may be useful to conduct a «fit-check» of your entire marketing strategy. However, it often makes sense to start with only one discipline – such as search engine optimization (SEO).
We record the status quo, point out problem areas, determine unused potential and develop recommendations for action. This approach is extremely simple, but highly effective and 100% practice-oriented.
• Marketing Fit-Check
• Digital Fit-Check
• Digital Advertising Fit-Check
• Website Fit-Check
• Social Media Fit-Check
• SEO Fit-Check
• SEA Fit-Check
• Customer Acquisition Fit-Check
• Customer Loyalty Fit-Check
• Content Fit-Check
We inspire you with well thought-out and well-founded concepts, because we are passionate and outdo ourselves when it comes to advising our customers on their way into the future.
We are proud that our digital concepts are groundbreaking and even disruptive in certain industries. It is no wonder that our native language is "Digital"!
• Digital Roadmap
• Idea Sketch
• Rough Concept
• Detailed Concept
• Prototyping
Thanks to our various competence centres, experience from countless projects and our Marketing Trend Lab, we know what matters. We take a look into the future, analyse the potential of your marketing strategy, show you what is possible and what you should not miss - and most of all, where this journey could take you.
• Digital Marketing
• Markeing Automation
• Customer Experience
• Service Design
• Future Modelling
• Industry Trends with Future Scenarios and Potential
• Digital Business Models
• Elicitation of the Strategic Gap in your Industry
The Springboard process is simple, but effective and essential for measurable and successful marketing: Plan - Act - Measure - Learn - Adapt!
We define the topics, intensity and cadence of your individual Expert Springboard Sessions according to your needs and your level of knowledge. Based on your individual dashboard, we measure, analyse and interpret past measures and activities together. Our experts explain conclusions, point out recommendations for action and - where appropriate - point out the latest trends. This allows learned elements and adaptations to be directly applied and implemented.
For us, sharing knowledge plus experience and helping our clients to progress as sparring partners is of the highest priority. Our Springboard Experts are also pleased to support our clients' marketing implementation team in this way.
We advise, accompany, guide and inspire with "success-driven marketing" in mind
We think with you, challenge you, take you further: agency tour, getting to know each other session, starter workshop, fit-check - you decide when, where and how!
Honestly, we can hardly wait and look forward to meeting and getting to know you, our future partners.
Any questions?
Just click on the button.
We advise, inspire and guide SMEs through the whole process with measurably successful marketing through the use of the best strategies and tools - because a sustainable partnership with our customers is a matter that is close to our hearts.
Grenchenstrasse 5a
2504 Biel/Bienne
Tel +41 32 376 00 76
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569 Duong Tran Hung Dao
Cau Kho, Quan 1
7000 Ho Chi Minh
1006, 10/F, Kai Wong
Com. Building
222 Queen’s Road Central
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